Monday, June 03, 2013

Did the IRS just dig big government's grave?

Greg Gutfield is optimistic that

The IRS scandal, if perceived correctly, spells the end of big government.

It’s not about the IRS solely, but an administration that used the IRS as its enforcement arm against speech it found disagreeable.

When President Obama said cynicism is a threat to democracy, he was looking through the kaleidoscope from the wrong end. It’s corruption that threatens big government. When, during that speech on drones, he defended his use of targeted lethal attacks on enemies, he could have just as easily been describing the IRS attacks on the right. This strategy is part of who they are. If you’re a big government lover, you are programmed to hate us and any person who threatens that cushy livelihood.

The IRS just dug big government’s grave. America now has the opportunity to look at the greedy monster that is expansive, progressive government and say, “We are done with you. Go away.”


  1. One can only hope. I wish I could be as optimistic about it. I don't think the end of big gov't is in sight yet.

  2. Ryan,
    I agree. Not even close to being in sight.
