Thursday, May 23, 2013

Illiegal immigration: what are our choices?

Sarah Hoyt writes about the people who continue to come illegally tothe United states from Mexico.

Amnesty won’t solve anything. It won’t make these people consider themselves American. They never wanted to be American. They haven’t left their past behind as other immigrants have to do. They just walked a few hundred miles. (Or more likely drove.) It won’t make them a more open community – their culture will remain us vs. them. They will take it, but they will continue working under the table and avail themselves of our social services and our social security payments. In their code that’s not even slightly wrong. Their history has taught you take as much as you can while you can because those above you will take from you as soon as they can.

Are Mexicans returning to Mexico?

There are indications that as our economy spins into the Khaki Mexicans are going back home. I know my local supermarket (a tiny one) used to carry about half the magazines in Spanish five years ago. Now you can’t find a single Spanish title. And there are indications the flooding-back tide is helping Mexico too.

What are our choices?

But our choices, other than continuing to spin into the hole, until no Mexicans or people from points further South want to come here (except perhaps to cross to Canada) are stark: we can get rid of minimum wage, tighten the benefits spigot, and let the economy settle itself. Or we can become the sort of regime that shoots people trying to come over.

There is no other choice. And I don’t see either of those happening in the near future, unless of course we collapse. Which is the inevitable result if we don’t do either of those.

To call people explaining the facts “racist” is to ignore that most of the people who are hurt by this unchecked tide are our own racial minorities. It is also to ignore that economics is race-blind.

It is a dismal science and the results are always the same, no matter how much you scream that they’re insensitive.

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