Thursday, May 02, 2013

Denying the reality of Jihad on our shores

Janine Turner writes that

We are at war with radical Islamists, and these recent terror attacks — including the failed underwear bomber and the Times Square bomber, and the successful Fort Hood and Benghazi attacks — are acts of war. The Boston bombings were an act of war. It was an act of Jihad, a holy war self-proclaimed by the alleged perpetrators themselves.

The Boston bombings were an act of terror for the sake of a “holy war” waged on behalf of Islam as a religious duty to kill infidels. The soldiers of such a “war” are enemy combatants whether American citizens or not.

Obama adviser David Axelrod was quick to state that perhaps the Boston bombings occurred because it was “tax day.” This is an insult to Americans. It appears that there is an attempt by the Obama administration to deny the reality of Jihad on our shores, within our borders. The reluctance to tell Americans the truth is a dangerous game played at the expense of American lives. With every Fort Hood denial, Benghazi denial, Boston bombing denial of a Jihadist “holy war” is a gleeful snicker from our enemy and an emboldened foe.

Currently, the jihadists are beating us at our own game. We are being outsmarted. Our enemies are relying on the Obama’s administration’s remarkably stubborn lack of faith in its people. The Obama administration seems to think that Americans are not capable of both handling the truth and remaining vigilantly unbiased. Yet the collective American common sense knows the difference between a peaceful Muslim religion and its people and radical Jihadists and its soldiers, foreign and domestic. Americans also know a war when they see one.

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