Friday, May 31, 2013

22 things happy people do differently, or, why I am not happy

Chiara Fucarino writes about 22 things happy people do differently. I will list them here, then give my "yes, buts" after each one. Sometimes I am just too ornery for my own good.

1. They don't hold grudges. Yes, but it doesn't hurt to protect yourself from people who have proven that they will hurt you if given a chance.

2. Treat everyone with kindness. Yes, but if someone returns your kindness with unfair accusations, be ready to direct that person to someone who cares about his victimhood.

3. See problems as challenges. Yes, but sometimes sh#t happens, and the four letter word for that comes right out.

4. Express gratitude for what they already have. Yes, but keep striving for what you want to accomplish.

5. Dream big. Yes, but that is what I just said in response to number four.

6. Don't sweat the small stuff. Yes, but sometimes it isn't easy to tell what is small and what is big.

7. Speak well of others. Yes, but what should we say about people who fail to exercise their power, and people die as a result, as in Benghazi?

8. Never make excuses. Yes, but on the other hand, don't let anyone roll over you.

9. Get absorbed into the present. Yes, but don't let go of your dreams.

10. Wake up at the same time every morning. Yes, but that assumes that you have the same work schedule every day.

11. Avoid social comparison. Yes, but there are some people I like being around, and some people I don't.

12. Choose friends wisely. Yes, but see number 11.

13. Never seek approval from others. Yes, but tell that to my boss.

14. Take the time to listen. Yes, but not to people who are always negative.

15. Nurture social relationships. Yes, but if you have a side of you that is introverted, be sure to have plenty of alone time.

16. Meditate. Yes, but what I said to number 15.

17. Eat well. Yes, but have you ever had a Marie Callendar Chicken Pot Pie?

18. Exercise. Yes, but if you need rest, get that first.

19. Live minimally. Yes, but go ahead and buy the cherries while they are available.

20. Tell the truth. Yes, but how will you ever get elected?

21. Establish personal control. Yes, but have you ever been married?

22. Accept what cannot be changed. Yes, but how do you know what cannot be changed?

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