Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Struggling with a tough decison? Should you tell others, or keep it to yourself?

Do you believe in telling others your problems, or keeping them to yourself? I read two blog posts today with opposing viewpoints on the subject. Captain Capitalism writes a post entitled Why You Never Tell Others Your Problems. Read it here:

On the other hand, Ann Voskamp advises

whenever you want to stick your head in the sand — is when you need to stick your hand out for help.

Burden is only a weight when bore alone. When the burden is borne together, by a Body, the burden becomes bond — soul strengthener.

Read Ann's post here:

I think both writers are making important points. Ann is trying to encourage Christians to follow Christ, which means to extend a hand to others. She is also trying to encourage people not to keep their struggles only to themselves, which can, in the worst case scenario, result in people giving up.

Captain Capitalism, on the other hand, is trying to get people to avoid the self pity trap. I know what he means. Who wants to be around people who constantly complain about their difficulties, or who constantly brag about their unique accomplishments?

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