Thursday, April 18, 2013

Scott, Bill, and Steve on the left's refusal to cover the Gosnell trial

The snip of a scissors. Scott Ott points out that is the difference between what is right and what's wrong (in the eyes of the leftist media). The media seats in Gosnell's murder trial have been empty, because they're afraid this will bring out a discussion that they don't want to have. Their protection of this industry is more important to them than being honest with their readers.

Bill Whittle points out that membership in the Progressive Left wing stable is all about the reduction of the fundamental decency of the human condition. Only one politician on the national scene has ever voted in favor of terminating the life of a baby born in a botched abortion: Barack Obama.

Watch Scott, Bill, and Steve Green.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's safe to say that the self-righteousness of the hard left is so great they perceive their "agenda" as sacred. Therefore, anything that does not serve that agenda -- or fit into their preferred vision of Reality -- is either ignored, denigrated or given short shrift.

    It's a clearly discernible pattern. I've been aware of it for nearly half a century.

    It was good to se you at my place. Please visit often.
