Bob Belvedere at Camp of the Saints has apparently coined a term I have not seen elsewhere: Planned Non-Parenthood. Bob also links to a blog I had not heard of: The Necropolitan Sentinel, where I learned that,
Liberty means humans have the right to order pizza, not take a slice of another's order while self-righteously citing how lacking in compassion it is to let another starve.
At the Necropolitan Sentinel I also learned that Iraq this week carried out its first election without U.S. troops. Did you see that story anywhere in the U.S. media?
Are you following the story of West Virginia teenager Jared Marcum, who wore an NRA shirt to school and was suspended and arrested? Apparently his suspension has ended. He is back in school wearing the same shirt. Fox News reports that
Other students across Logan County wore similar shirts, which display the NRA logo and a hunting rifle, to school in a show of support for 14-year-old Jared Marcum, said his lawyer Ben White.
Back to Bob Belvedere. He writes a rousing post urging us to resist tyranny.
In The American Republic, all power is held by it’s citizens. They are the Sovereignty. All power rests with them collectively and is under their control. ‘[I]n Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity’, the Sovereign People agreed to cede certain powers to a central, national government. These they enumerated in The Constitution Of The United States Of America. Those powers not granted to the national government, the Sovereign People reserved to themselves or to the governments of the Several States, but they always retained ultimate control over all the powers of the earth.Those who are elected or are appointed to offices in the national government act as agents of the Sovereign People and agree, when they assume their positions in said government, to preserve, protect, and defend The Constitution Of The United States Of America — this they swear before God.
When these officials promulgate laws, regulations, and policies that are repugnant to The Constitution, the Sovereign People have a duty to see that such actions are reversed. The normal means for this is through their elected representatives and/or through the Federal Court System.
When such avenues of redress are not available or made too difficult to obtain, the Sovereign People have a right and a duty to:
to alter [the government] or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
Thank you, Bob, very much.