Thursday, April 25, 2013

No belief system???

John Kerry said in Brussels that the Boston bombers had no belief system. Bryan Preston takes issue with that statement.

People having “no belief system” isn’t the problem. It’s what they do believe that becomes the problem. Osama bin Laden and Pol Pot both had strong and easily identifiable belief systems. They were also mass killers. Hitler, Mao, Mussolini, Stalin…they all had belief systems. The Iranian mullahs, Hizballah, Hamas…they all have belief systems. Whatever Kerry is trying to say there, he isn’t making a lick of sense. None of those people or the Tsarnaevs kill just “because they don’t like what they see.” They kill, at least in part, as a means to bring about the kind of change that they do believe in.

That phrase — “people who have no belief system” — is a means of absolving groups that preach killing, and the PR groups that aid them, and the people who voluntarily fund them, and the governments that still won’t put a stop to it.

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