Monday, April 01, 2013

Laughing all the way to tyranny

Andrea Preda writes at Fuzzy Logic about how we adapt to encroachments on our liberty.

The more laws we have, and this is the foundation of regressivism, the fewer freedoms we have. Regressives are about totalitarian control, right down to who can have children and how many they can have. Remember, it was progressives who brought us prohibition, eugenics, and a host of other equally intrusive and/or downright evil threats to our lives, our liberty, and our happiness.

Are conservatives "hypocrites" when we take Medicare or Social Security benefits?

We are not hypocrites for taking social security, medicare, etc. Were the first wave of feminists hypocrites because they still depended on their fathers and husbands? Were the Founding Fathers hypocrites before the American Revolution? They rejected tyranny but lived under it, after all (so goes the crazed leftist logic on entitlements and conservatives). You get my point. Any change requires living in the existing condition until that change occurs.

But that’s the ploy, right. The left hammers on one slip, one thing, until conservatives are beaten down, backed into a corner that is painted for them. But look what the left does, it rallies around pedophiles, tax evaders, philanderers, liars, fake Indians, druggies, drunks, murderers . . . you name it, and there is some Democrat in Congress or at the state level who is up to his or her eyeballs in that crime. Crime, people, not stupidity–actual crime. No wonder they are so gleeful when we turn on some numbnut who made a stupid statement, they are laughing all the way to tyranny.

They are heavy into Alinsky, right? And they are busily holding us to our own impossible standards, and it’s working. Like a charm.

And what about those of us who are appalled by the leftists’ repeated victories in the culture war? Are we still forking out our money for their propaganda? Financially supporting actors and companies who hate us, our country, and everything we stand for? What about those of us who are appalled by what is happening in our schools and universities? Are we involved, making our voices heard? Or are we doing what generations of conservatives have done (up until ’09, anyway) and sitting on our couches muttering in impotent frustration and anger?

Read more here:

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