Monday, April 22, 2013

An indictment of mainstream "journalism"

Do you agree with Jeff Goldstein that

the mainstream press, with its institutional collusion and its collaboration with statist government, may be the single largest threat to our democratic republic.

Our contemporary mainstream national “journalism” is nothing more than an exercise is narrative creation and management, manufactured consent, and ideological indoctrination posing as information dissemination.

Which is precisely why they are now hurrying to bracket the fact of Islamism that attaches itself via YouTube channels and FBI and DHS intelligence at least one of the brothers, in order to deflect, to dismiss, and to change the subject, turning their sense of phony self-righteous indignation on the right, who they laughably maintain are trying to profit politically off the terror attacks in Boston — even as they remain caked in the blood of the Newtown children.

I don’t know how to end the real existential threat to our country that the mainstream press poses — and I am not overstating this at all, regardless of who may sneer and say that I am — but I do know that it must be done.

Or else every political battle will be an uphill one.

There’s a reason a center-right country often finds itself in the grip of hard left demagogues. And it ain’t because the vast majority of American are screaming for soda bans, amnesty for illegals, and single-payer health care.

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