Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The winning blog

So how is the conservative movement doing in 2013? There is an annual meeting of conservatives called CPAC. They have a People's Choice Award that honors blogs. This year the voting was not even close. Voters chose Robert Spencer's courageous blog Jihad Watch. Here is a graph showing the vote. Click on it to enlarge so you can see all the excellent blogs.

One problem. CPAC did not give the award to Mr. Spencer, because they were afraid he might mention the connections of Grover Norquist and Suhail Khan to terrorist individuals and groups. Spencer details those connections here: http://www.jihadwatch.org/2013/03/the-grovers-choice-award-jihad-watch-wins-cpac-award-barred-from-receiving-it.html

That is why his blog is the people's choice! Spencer says "Norquist and Khan are the controlling forces at CPAC." How pitiful is that?

Thanks to Always on Watch for linking to Jihad Watch.


  1. This is just unbelievable. Conservatives -- classical liberals, supposedly, imposing speech controls. Not good.

  2. Thing is - they claimed they were worried about him "going on a rant." Really? I can't imagine Mr. Spencer "going on a rant" under the worst of circumstances. He's way too much the gentleman.

  3. FYI: Yesterday's essay by Robert Spencer. Note the sense of betrayal between the lines.
