Thursday, March 07, 2013

Stay away, little people!

Did you hear that the White House has suspended tours? Regular folks like you and me will no longer get to tour the beautiful home of the President of the United States, because he is pouting and manipulating us over the sequester, which disallows him from raising expenditures as much as he wanted. So, who gets punished? The little guys.

When I was sixteen I got to go on a tour of the White House. I had won the right to play in the USGA National Junior golf tournament in the D.C. area. I rode a train from Iowa to D.C. I had an aunt who was secretary to the Secretary of the Army, and another aunt who was secretary to Nevada Senator Patrick McCarran. I got to see a debate between Hubert Humphrey and William Knowland in the Senate, and sat in Harry Truman's old chair in a White House annex. It was a wonderful week, capped off with a handshake with a young golfer named Jack Nicklaus.

Cartoon borrowed from Theo Spark's site

Update: Charles Krauthammer has an idea that would solve the problem.

Update 2: Even ABC News decided to report on this decision!

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