Is Jesus the Redeemer, or the Wimp? Mark Steyn writes that those who believe in the Wimp Jesus
seem to believe He died to license our sins – Jesus loves us for who we are so whatever's your bag is cool with Him.In this world, if Jesus came back today he'd most likely be a gay Anglican bishop in a committed relationship driving around in an environmentally-friendly car with an "Arms Are For Hugging" sticker on the way to an interfaith dialogue with a Wiccan and a couple of Wahhabi imams.
On the other hand, people who believe in Jesus the Redeemer believe
Christ had power over His captors but didn't use it, and His sacrifice is our salvation.
Read more of Mark's review of Mel Gibson's film The Passion of Christ here:
Our Lord and Savior went to the cross willingly to redeem those who believe on Him. That is not wimpiness!