Saturday, March 30, 2013

Are we "On Hold?" Or, is God communicating to us all the time?

Bob Godwin has a website I go to in order to mine for gold. The gold can be found in Bob's thoughts, which he shares daily at One Cosmos. Bob cites an aphorism by Don Colacho:

All truths converge on the one truth, but the routes have been barricaded." Bob adds, "And nowhere are they more heavily barricaded than in a liberal fascist university."

God's communication is occurring all the time. However, Bob writes,

The limiting factor is our capacity to receive it.

Which comes first? Bob writes,

Likewise, we don't say that God must be love because human beings are capable of love. Rather, we love because God does.

That would actually qualify as astonishing, if a single human being somehow embodied the word of God and shared it with the rest of us. But who would believe that?

Bob cites Arthur Koestler

, "The evolution of the brain not only overshot the needs of prehistoric man, it is the only example of evolution providing a species with an organ which it does not know how to use."

When religion dies, it is simply replaced by something that is not religion. As a result, it doesn't really die at all, but simply takes a new and perverse form. In our day and age, the most common forms are leftism, AGW, and scientism.

What is AGW? I think he is referring to Anthropogenic (man-made) Global Warming.

Back to Bob:

This is not to say that a real religion cannot become pathological. But a false religion is intrinsically pathological, with none of the benefits of true religion.

The whole thing's crazy. But so is Islamism. Just because something is a fantasy, it hardly means it has no real world consequences. Hitler, for example, had some fantasies about Jews. Obama has some fantasies about economics.

I don't get it. Why this hatred of our humanness? It very much reminds me of the pathology of liberalism, whereby the liberal is too broadminded to take his own side in a dispute. Muslims want to murder our children? Why, they must have done something to deserve it. Oh, but don't smoke cigarettes in the same zip code as a child. Might harm them.

Bob is trained as a psychoanalyst. He believes that

the mind is intersubjective, which means that we are subjectively entangled with one another. No man is an island, and all that.

But it turns out that the cosmos too is intersubjective, which is why it speaks to us of so many realities on so many levels, not just of scientific truths but aesthetic beauties and ethical values (not to mention scientific beauties, aesthetic values, and ethical truths).

Bob summarizes,

it is but a single step from relativism to barbarism, or from low information to Democrat, or from ignorance to tenure.

Discover more gems at Bob's gold mine here:

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