Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Have you noticed that

Conspiracy theories are a staple in some “progressive” circles, which view political dissent, independent thought, free markets, and certain technological advances with suspicion. For example, the agronomist Norman Borlaug, who pioneered the Green Revolution, saved perhaps a billion lives in the Third World by developing high-yield, disease-resistant crops. For this, he received the Nobel Peace Prize. Yet, he was smeared in the progressive magazine The Nation, which has an irrational phobia of new agricultural techniques, as being “the biggest killer of all.”

The latest conspiracy theories are that the Tea Party has its origins with the ultra-right John Birch Society of the 1950s and pro-smokers rights. Another theory that is more personal is that

the Tea Parties are the product of “harshly coercive toilet training” and “anal eroticism.”

Go here to read up on the latest theories of the progressives, some of which are funded with taxpayer money: http://www.openmarket.org/2013/02/18/nih-funded-conspiracy-theory-smearing-tea-party-gets-even-wackier/

Hat tip to Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom

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