Tuesday, February 19, 2013

"Gun-free zones are the single most common factor in mass shootings"

Jeff Goldstein reports that urban elite Democrats in Colorado have just voted to molest the Constitution.

And yet these Democrat legislators drape themselves in the language of the Declaration and Constitution to pretend that they are acting on behalf of the “common defense” — as if it is law-abiding citizens with high capacity assault rifles who are committing crimes. The numbers show something entirely other. History shows us that gun-free-zones are the single most common factor in mass shootings — and yet part of what the Democrats will pass is a law to prevent trained, experienced, licensed college students, staff, and faculty, from preventing the next Virginia Tech.

But worst of all, the Democrat-led legislature is prepared to take away citizens’ legal rights to own STANDARD CAPACITY MAGAZINES on certain very popular magazine-fed rifles. [live feed] They are also taking away the STANDARD CAPACITY MAGAZINES on certain popular semi-automatic pistols chambered in 9mm or .40 or .380.

This is an abuse of legislative power and a backdoor ban on many non-bolt action rifle platforms. Or, to put it another way, it promotes SNIPER-STYLE rifles while creating an effective ban, going forward, on rifles that contain modern-convenience features, like an adjustable stock or a pistol grip.

They will also push through a Universal Background Check that will be unenforceable — requiring further modifications down the road, mainly, a “common sense” call for a gun registry in order to allow the UBC to save the children.

And finally, they will pass the costs of those checks onto gun purchasers, essentially gentrifying gun buying and potentially preventing those in the poorest areas where crime is highest from purchasing a firearm for self defense.

It’s a kind of poll tax. And if Republicans passed such a measure with respect to the vote, the Democrats would likely (and rightly) scream racism.

Well, this is no different. It is a racist measure; it is a sop to the wealthy; and it will do nothing to prevent crime. In fact, it will create more victims.

I’m embarrassed for my state. And I’m most embarrassed at the “reasoning” on offer from Democrats that rationalizes a power grab under the guise of public safety.

Read more here: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=47428

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