Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Suicide is a sin

ROS at Victory Girls thinks Hobby Lobby is hypocritical for standing up to Obamacare's abortion requirements, while stocking their stores with merchandise from China.

Yeah, THAT China, the commie pinko land of the forced abortions (13 million abortions in China last year, peeps), where 500 women commit suicide daily, the enrollment of girls in school is ranked 107th worldwide, wages of women is 25% lower than those of men, where religion and speech are governmentally controlled, Han are treated as less-then-equal (to state it mildly), and the list goes on.

But let’s focus on the abortions in China, since that directly correlates to Hobbity Lobbity’s perceived violation of their Christian principles.

An estimated 13,000,000 annually, more than half of which are forced as a result of prenatal sex selection due to the importance placed on male babies. Mandatory periodic pregnancy tests. Mandatory vaginal palpation of rural women’s vaginas to make sure they hadn’t recently given birth. Government-forced sterilization for violation of the One-Child Policy. Mandatory IUD insertion after the first child, with mandatory sterilization if a second is born. Teachers lose retirement benefits for birth quota violations. Again, the list goes on.

Oddly, that doesn’t prevent Hobby Lobby from obtaining their merchandise from such a country. Awkward…..

So, if you, Hobby Lobby, want to piss and moan that the government is acting out of bounds constitutionally in requiring that you provide certain insurance or be fined, fine. I can and do agree with that. Please, don’t act like your “principles” and “religion” are being violated, however.

To that I say, Cut the shit, hypocrites. It’s about your wallet, not principle.

Jeff Goldstein at Protein Wisdom sees it differently: http://proteinwisdom.com/?p=46661

1 comment:

  1. Tricky. ROS is changing the argument and throwing the issue off base. That said, I somehow feel our tendency to accept the bad with the good as in dictators have never proven to be goo for us long term, ya kno.
