Saturday, January 12, 2013

Stifling free speech somehow protects the Second Amendment?

Should Piers Morgan be deported for advocating gun control? Michael Brown doesn't thinks so.

Instead, I’m worried about the people who somehow think that petitioning the White House to have Morgan deported for opposing the Second Amendment is somehow constitutional. Considering Morgan is simply exercising the First Amendment to free speech (and yes he can, even as a British citizen, as long as he’s on American soil) I don’t get those who believe stifling free speech somehow protects the Second Amendment.

Guess what, gang? He’s entitled to his opinion irrespective of how stupid it might be.

And about those petitions you can do online to the White House. Who’s kidding who here? Do you really think that’s how to counter the stupidity of Piers Morgan’s ideas? Petition the White House to deport somebody when they won’t even deport illegal aliens from this country (including the President’s criminal uncle)?

If Morgan wants to claim the Bible and the Constitution are inherently flawed, and he wants to do it on CNN, then so be it. The 15 of you watching CNN are hopeless anyway.

So let’s drop the insanely unconstitutional idea of deporting somebody for exercising their unalienable right of free speech. And while we’re at it, let’s simply turn off CNN.

Read more here:

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