Saturday, January 12, 2013

Endangered Species

Endangered species. Are Americans who believe in limited government an endangered species? Should the government set aside 1.7 million acres for those of us who fit that description? That is what it has done for the Gunnison Sage Grouse in Colorado. There are less than 4000 of them left grousing around the sage brush, according to Hugh Hewitt, who discussed this problem with Mark Steyn recently on Hugh's radio program. That's when Mark proposed the idea for the government to set aside the same amount of acreage for Americans who believe in limited government, since there are only about 4000 of us left, also. I think I have discovered the problem: We males who believe in limited government are just not strutting around enough! From Wikipedia:

Sage Grouse are notable for their elaborate courtship rituals. Each spring males congregate in leks and perform a "strutting display". Groups of females observe these displays and select the most attractive males to mate with. The dominate male located in the center of the lek typically copulates with around 80% of the females on the lek. Males perform in leks for several hours in the early morning and evening during the spring months. Lek generally occur in open areas adjacent to dense sagebrush stands, and the same lekking ground may be used by grouse for decades.
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