Saturday, January 19, 2013

China confiscates satellite t.v.s, Christie whines, and Rand Paul doesn't trust his colleagues in either party with our money

I miss The Laura Ingraham Show. It no longer is on the air in the Denver area, as far as I can tell.

I can still go to her website, though. Her staff puts together some good links. For example, today they cite an A.P. story about China and Tibet:

Chinese authorities are responding to an intensified wave of Tibetan self-immolation protests against Chinese rule by clamping down even harder - criminalizing the suicides, arresting protesters' friends and even confiscating thousands of satellite TV dishes.

And there is this from an interview Laura conducted with Senator Rand Paul, who had some things to say about Governor Chris Christie:

Paul warned Christie that his criticism of the NRA, as well as his criticism of fellow Republicans over the Sandy relief bill, would come back to haunt him if he made a presidential run in 2016. “I think criticizing the Second Amendment movement and the over-the-top 'give me my money' stuff, 'I want all sixty billion now or I'll throw a tantrum,' I don't think that's going to play well in the Republican primary.”

Oh, yeah, one more quote from Senator Rand Paul, this time on our fiscal problems:

“I'll only support raising the debt ceiling if we pass a balanced budget amendment.” Paul stated bluntly, “I don't trust any of these people, Republican or Democrat, to do a good job with our money. There's no objective evidence that they are good with money.”

Read more here:

Update: Leave it to the king of all talk show hosts, Rush Limbaugh, to put Chris Christie's behavior in perspective. He says the Democratic primary in 2016 will feature Christie versus Hillary.

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