Wednesday, December 12, 2012


After seeing the union thugs' violence in Michigan yesterday, I decided to listen to Peter Boyles' radio program today. Peter's father was a union guy through and through, in Pittsburgh. Peter sounded very pessimistic today. He does not support the public sector unions. He says there is no loyalty any more. No one to stand up for the guy with three kids who has been working for the company for many years. Employees are not much more than numbers to the managers of today's crony capitalists. Everything is bottom line. We're not making anything in America, so there is no need for unions.

Although Peter is no fan of Democrats, he blames George Bush for many of the problems we are experiencing. 9-11 happened, so Bush decided to go into Iraq, which had nothing to do with 9-11. He did not have the money to go there. We borrowed the money. Obama has borrowed even more. Now there is a fiscal cliff.

Ann Voskamp links to a blogger named Emily Freeman, who writes Chatting at the Sky.Emily writes,

The pessimists say life is hard and won’t get better. The optimists say life is good or will be soon. But the believers say our hope is in Jesus, whether life is hard or life is good, releasing the right to predict the future, holding on to God who comes to be with us now. Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel. - Isaiah 7:14

Emily advises, "Don’t paint the world black seeing only negative space. Don’t paint the world pink and try to call the bad things good. Let the believers consider Immanuel, the with-ness of God, right where we are, not where we wish we were instead."

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