Sunday, November 18, 2012

Outing Hillary Clinton and John Kerry

Glenn Reynolds has this item at Instapundit: "WALL STREET JOURNAL: Hillary and Libya: The policy failure goes beyond the murder of her deputies in Benghazi. “Mr. Petraeus wasn’t responsible for lax consulate security or the U.S. policy that led to the Libya debacle. That’s Mrs. Clinton’s bailiwick. Last month in interviews from deepest Peru, the Secretary of State said ‘I take responsibility’ for Benghazi. Except she hasn’t. She was conveniently out of the country for this week’s House Foreign Affairs hearing, and Senate Foreign Relations Chairman John Kerry refuses to hold any hearings on Benghazi. His loyalty may get him a cabinet job, while Carl Levin’s Armed Services Committee also pretends nothing much happened in Libya.”

1 comment:

  1. Hilary has survived on being cagey and clever with the media having her back...any one think that's going to change?
