Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Curiouser and Curiouser"

Paula Broadwell says that two Libyan prisoners were being held at the Benghazi Annex on September 11, which, as Former Spook says at the In From The Cold blog, "certainly provides another rationale for the assault on the annex." Here she is in a You Tube video last month at the University of Denver. She is very proud of her arms and shoulders! I say that because it seems that almost every picture of her is sleeveless and shoulderless.

Former Spook writes, "Divulging that type of "insider" information indicates that Petraeus and Broadwell were in regular contact through the attack in Benghazi and discussed events that transpired on the night of September 11th. Yet, the FBI claims that national security wasn't jeopardized by their relationship. Based on the prisoners claim, it sounds like Congressional Republicans should add one more name to their witness list--Paula Broadwell.

He concludes, ""Curiouser and curiouser," as Lewis Carroll's Alice once observed. This much we know: the Petraeus scandal--and its connection to events in Benghazi--won't magically disappear, as much as the Obama Administration might prefer. General Petraeus is going through a rough patch right now--completely of his own making--but that doesn't negate his obligation to testify before Congress. Republicans in the House and Senate should demand that he appear this week, and issue a subpoena, if necessary. The families of four dead Americans deserve that much."

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