William Saletan, writing in Slate: No wonder the president capped the debate with a joke about horses and
bayonets. Bayonets are for hand-to-hand combat. They’re for getting
bogged down in a situation of prolonged peril. Obama has no interest in
that. He’s a man of drones, not bayonets. He’s for using modern
technology to administer, at minimal risk, the ancient rite of
punishment. And, God help us, we love it. Barack Obama, the liberal law professor, has become the lord of drones,
raids, ousters, and assassinations. He hates troop deployments but loves
to purge, punish, and liquidate. He’s not the candidate of war. He’s
the candidate of vengeance.
Read more here: http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/frame_game/2012/10/obama_s_foreign_policy_debate_from_bin_laden_to_libya_to_drones_he_s_the.html
Then why on earth didn't he send a drone during the seven hours Stevens and the rest fought off intruders. He was watching in real time. None of this stuff he says makes sense.