Sunday, October 21, 2012

Required additives in California gasoline

The blogger at Saberpoint explains why California has such high gas prices, and why he cannot afford to leave the state: "California is a beautiful place made almost uninhabitable by the idiocy of liberalism.  Our state legislature is a motley mob of kooks, crazies and moonbats.  The state flower is a marijuana plant, the state bird is a lesbian, and the state motto is "That be some goooood sheeee-it!"

So it's not surprising that gas prices in the Golden State are approaching $6 a gallon in some places.  Why?  It's all because of the really stupid policies of the kooky left who run the state.  Psota, a California Republican and attorney, explains the factors that underlie the new high prices.

Basically, it's because California is just so environmentally high-minded, that they require certain additives to gasoline sold in the state.  Therefore, gas shortages can't be simply filled by bringing in gasoline from another state.  It might not have the required additives, like THP, pixie dust and hippie piss.

I'd leave the state but I can't afford the gas I need to leave."

Well, he could come to Colorado, because I think we have the same state flower.
Go here to read more, and see the California legislature in session:


  1. It's not additives to base gasoline, which would be no problem just to add. It's the fact that the gasoline itself is a "boutique" blend that only a few refineries commit to make. It's a different formulation entirely, and requires different refining techniques. Adding something to base gasoline will not do the same thing.

    Plus, it's not just one variety - there are seasonal fuels. The base gasoline we are all used to does as well, but there is a LOT more of it brewed up. One reason why gas prices drop in the fall is that refineries quit making the summer stuff, and then they have to get rid of those stocks before winter starts and the winter blend requires the storage space.

    And your gas in Colorado is going to be by necessity a different formula than the stuff I get on the prairie, because of the elevation requirements.

  2. It's sad how California, paradise on Earth, has been reduced in 40 short years to an unlivable 3rd world country because of the policy of the liberals.

  3. I fell in love with CA scenery...the folks were just something to be astonished over and then flee back to the sane place I live. Tell him I'll send him some gas money ha ha
