Thursday, October 25, 2012

Is Colin Powell "dishonorable?"

Is Colin Powell "dishonorable?" Quinn Hillyer, writing today at Pajamas Media, thinks so. Furthermore, Hillyer writes that nobody should give any credence to Powell's re-endorsement this week of Barack Obama. Go here to read why Hillyer believes Powell is dishonorable:

I read Rumsfield's autobiography, Known and Unknown, and Powell does not come out looking very good in that book. Neither does Condi Rice. However, I am now reading Bob Woodward's book, State of Denial, about the Bush administration's conduct of the war in Iraq, and, in that book, Rumsfeld comes off as a complete control freak.


  1. "Dishonorable" is a good word, and he is certainly that. But when a person votes for someone or endorse someone solely on the basis of the pigmentation in his skin, we have another word that is quite appropriate. Colin Powell is a racist.

  2. Ok fact ck my ex brother in law worked with a guy in the military that chose a remote location to get away from being under Powell. He is NOT the guy people have made him out to be.
