Thursday, October 18, 2012

Go get some young blood!

From the science correspondent at The Telegraph:

Changes in the composition of our blood as we age may cause the deterioration of memory and other brain functions by damaging connections in the brain.
Filtering younger blood into an older body could combat the problem by rejuvinating old tissue and keeping nerve cells in good working order, according to a new study.
It means people in their 40s or 50s could in future be given blood donated by someone in their early twenties to prevent their brain from deteriorating and stave off diseases like Alzheimer's.
Researchers from Stanford University found that old mice given transfusions of younger blood performed better in a memory task than those left to age naturally.
They also began to re-grow connections in their brains which had previously begun to disappear as part of the aging process and which affect memory.
via Instapundit

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