Sunday, October 21, 2012

George McGovern R.I.P.

George McGovern has died. He ran against Richard Nixon in 1972. The better man did not win in that election.

Update: Here is a piece remembering McGovern as a man who was out of step with cold war America in 1972, but who grew increasingly libertarian as he grew older, and no longer out of step with current Americans.

Update 2: What was McGovern's idea of "the liberal agenda?"  He said to Peter Robinson in 1973: "Social Security, Medicare, Civil Rights, minimum wages, rural electrification, guaranteed bank deposits, I think that's the liberal agenda and I think most Americans favor that agenda."

Yes, probably. Then why did Nixon beat him so resoundingly in 1972? Well, he did not highlight his magnificent war record. He had Gary Hart as his campaign manager. His supporters were the war protesters whom the country was sick of.

Update 3: Did you know that when World War II ended, the allies shared their food with the enemy before returning to America? McGovern shared that story with the food editor of the New York Times. McGovern and Senator Bob Dole were the primary creators of the food stamp, WIC, and school lunch programs.

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