Friday, October 05, 2012

Cutting federal subsidies to broadcasting

Governor Romney says he will recommend the end of federal subsidies for PBS, including Big Bird. I wonder how NPR would be affected by Romney's cuts. Because of their massive federal subsidies, NPR doesn't have to fill valuable air space with lots of commercials, like the for-profit stations do. When the commercials come on, I like to be able to flip over to NPR when I am driving to and from work, unless I have a good book-on-tape to listen to. I have found that NPR has a lot of good programming. Their political bias to the left, though, is something they may one day regret. If they had a better balance, I doubt whether there would be a decision to cut the funding. Romney did not mention cutting NPR. I wonder what the relationship is between NPR and PBS. Anyone know?

1 comment:

  1. Not sure about the relationship and I'm no fan of ADs I can tell ya. But when things need to be cut at home, you generally start with those things that really can go like PBS.
