Saturday, September 01, 2012

What would Mitt do?

"Show up with his damned work gloves, for one thing!"

Velociman helps a friend move: "On a more important note I helped a friend of a friend move today. I'm usually quite selfish when inebriated, and this works for me, but in an expansive moment last night I thought What Would Mitt Do? And so I volunteered for the task.

The person in question is a hoarder. I was not aware of this fact beforehand, but set my teeth and plunged into the moment, the previous night's cabernet oozing from my ruined pores like a tar sands strike.

I'd forgotten my work gloves, but in this instance latex gloves would have been more appropriate. With a Georgia game pending, and the cabernet again persistently beckoning, I returned home upon completion and thoroughly showered, only to emerge from my ablutions with a horrid red rash on both hands.

I'm unsure what this is, but I am very reluctant to prepare my own repasts at this point. Not going to pick my nose. And my opportunities for self-abuse are obviously severely curtailed.

What Would Mitt Do? Show up with his damned work gloves, for one thing."

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