Friday, September 07, 2012

The radical lunatics are in control of the Democratic Party

J. Christian Adams, who blogs at PJ Media, is rapidly becoming one of my favorite reads. Today he explains how the Democratic Convention was like the 1968 Dem Convention in Chicago, except this time the radicals were inside the arena. To use the metaphor being pushed by the old media, Adams hit the ball out of the park!

"The “Ride for Justice” bus from “No Papers, No Fear” rolled into Charlotte to keep the fiasco humming.  This outfit is an illegal alien pressure group.  Yes, in 2012, we now have open and well-funded organizations representing people committing crimes. In fact, the bus was full of illegal aliens openly touting their illegal status!  Naturally, they were welcomed with open arms by the DNC because they are supporting President Obama’s lawless immigration policies.  Local authorities arrested ten of them outside the convention for state crimes and turned them over to federal authorities, who then promptly released them.

Lawlessness has become policy. Instead of the radicals tearing Chicago apart, they now have the power to order the release of lawbreakers."

"Tom Brokaw shares the story of how Hubert Humphrey lost the 1968 election after Americans watched television images of the young radicals in Grant Park scaling statues and flying the Viet Cong flag. At that moment, Americans fully appreciated the lawless direction that some wanted to take the country and saw Richard Nixon as the antidote.

The young radicals of 1968 have become the old radicals who now control the Democrat Party. They put on a convention this week characterized by incompetence, radicalism, and race."

Oh, and the rain? Didn't happen. Read the whole thing here, because every sentence is a home run:

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