Bill Clinton says "shame-based" societies will not succeed in the 21st century. He obviously knows something about having no shame.
Tonight I write about two recent examples from the store where I work. A man tried to use a gift card to buy a Visa gift card. The cashier explained that he could not do that. The man got beligerant and actually pulled out his penis and peed a little puddle right in front of the cash register. That is not the end of the story. The next day he came back into the store!
That same day a cashier filled her cart full of stuff, and walked right out the door. The police were called and she was arrested. The very next evening, she was back in the store yukking it up with her friends! The day after that, she was back in the store again!
If these are not two good examples of having no shame, I do not know what is!
Wow my jaw dropped. I've seen some bad behavior but that takes the cake.