Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Lightning likely to strike Charlotte on Thursday night

Tonight on the ride home from work I caught some of the Mike Huckabee radio show. I was surprised to hear him lavish praise on Michelle Obama. He said her speech last night was superb, going right to the hearts of her listeners. I am not used to conservatives praising Michelle. When his commercials came on, I flipped over to Sean Hannity, and, lo and behold, Sean also complimented Michelle, although he did not carry on like Huckabee. Just a quick compliment, then back on the attack against Barack Obama.

Earlier in the day I caught some of Rush Limbaugh, who was at the top of his game. Rush was talking about the fact that the Dems have decided "because of weather" to move Thursday night's address by Obama inside to a 20,000 seat stadium, instead of the 65,000 seat outdoor stadium where the Carolina Panthers sell it out ten times a year. Rush named a local Charlotte weatherman who said that Thursday was going to be the nicest day of the week. Predictably, NPR made no mention of the local weatherman, and just accepted the "fact" that there is going to be "bad" weather Thursday.

But, wait! Maybe there is another explanation! Laura Ingraham reported on her show this morning that the Dems have removed all references to God from the Dem platform. Maybe that is why lightning strikes are feared!

In this video the Fox News host asks a very defensive Senator Dick Durbin why God and Jerusalem have been removed from the Dem platform:Update: The Dems apparently put God and Jerusalem back in their platform.

Update 2: Kathleen Parker praises both Michelle Obama and Ann Romney for their convention speeches' emphasis on the value of dads and husbands:

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