Friday, September 28, 2012

Is Benghazi the next Watergate?

This afternoon on the way to work, I caught just the opening remarks made by Glenn Beck on his radio program. He predicted that Benghazi will be the next Watergate, and that U.S. Presidents will be called to testify at court trials. Glenn likes to predict what is going to happen in the future. Do you think he may be going a little too far on this one? Or, do you think he is prescient? 

To begin with, who will do the digging that Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein did in reporting the Watergate cover-up? This time we have a President who has the media cheering for him to be re-elected. Whenever possible, they portray him in the best light.

It does seem likely that there has been a cover-up by the Obama administration in this case, as in Solyndra, Fast and Furious and other Dept. of Justice scandals. Initially they were saying that the 9-11-2012 attacks which resulted in the deaths of our ambassador to Libya and three other U.S. officials, the ripping down of American flags and putting up the black flag of Islamic terrorists, was a reaction of someone putting a movie trailer on You Tube (there is no actual movie). The trailer which is akin to a failed middle school play, is incoherent.

Wouldn't the date of the attacks, September 11, make someone in the administration suspicious that the coordinated attacks throughout the Muslim world were acts of terrorism? Only a small number of people had actually seen the You Tube trailer, as You Tube shows the number of visitors.

Like Watergate, there are many facets to this story. Why was Ambassador Stevens taken to Benghazi? Why did his Libyan "protectors" tell the mob where he was taken? Why was it called a "safehouse," when it was anything BUT safe? Why did he not have adequate protection? Did the Marines who eventually showed up have bullets? Why did the mobs have sophisticated weapons? Why did Obama not attend his intelligence briefing the morning after the attacks, but instead fly to Las Vegas for campaign fundraisers and appearances? If Ambassador Stevens was openly gay, as has been reported, why was he sent to an area of the world in which gays are clearly not safe?

There are lots more unanswered questions. Like Watergate, the process of getting answers to questions is only just beginning. All of us need to "Be Breitbart," and ask questions until we know the truth.

Update:When I got home tonight, I looked at the Fox News website. This is what I found: "This morning on America’s Newsroom, Governor Mike Huckabee called out the Obama administration for the handling of the U.S. Consulate attack in Libya. “There’s no way to sugar coat this – we’ve been lied to! We’ve flat-out been lied to,” Huckabee charged.

He continued, “It’s as if airplanes [are] crashing into the World Trade Center and somebody says those were just accidents, the planes veered off course. Everybody with two eyes and an IQ above plant life understands that what happened in Egypt and what happened in Libya was not some spontaneous reaction to a stupid 13-minute video on YouTube. It was a planned, coordinated, orchestrated attack led by terrorists.”

 “If this issue really gets the traction that it deserves … let’s go back. Richard Nixon was forced out of office because he lied and because he covered some stuff up. I’m going to be blunt and tell you this – nobody died in Watergate. We have some people who are dead because of this and there are some questions to be answered. Americans ought to demand to get answers,” he said.

And from the looks of Fox News' webpage, Huckabee is not the only one looking at the cover-up. Greta VanSustern, Lou Dobbs, and Brent Baier, as well as Sean Hannity, also are joining in.

1 comment:

  1. O'Reilly took up the cause as well. Who knows? Maybe there is a groundswell of we have just had enough of this lying deceitful administration and want you out by any means possible.
