Temper tantrums. We see it every day at the store where I work. A kid wants something. The parent says no. The child starts to scream, and continues to flail away all the way out the door.
Why? One of my colleagues has a theory that it all started in the 1960s with the "hippies," who "taught their kids not to respect authority." That colleague, by the way, said the child's mother should be "put over someone's knee, have her pants pulled down, and get a good switchin'." I looked at the mother, and said, "no thanks."
Another colleague said the child is the one who needs to be spanked, and then not allowed to return to the store for a long, long time. In other words, a consequence!
Instapundit's wife, Dr. Helen Smith, pictured above, is one who has studied the problem, and she believes it is the lack of consequences that is at the heart of the problem. Read a profile of Dr. Smith here: http://www.iwf.org/modern-feminist/2789205/Portrait-of-a-Modern-Feminist:-Helen-Smith
There are few consequences these days for much of anything. Is it any wonder? Helen is right. But children behave as they are taught so the 60 hippies are to blame (whew thank goodness I was a 70s boomer giggle).