Thursday, September 13, 2012

A lot going on

When was the last time you heard Hillary Clinton speak out against Muslims killing Christians? Bloggers know what has been happening throughout the Muslim world during this administration. I have never heard her say anything. Now, however, she is all over the place, criticizing the filmmaker who produced a You Tube movie critical of Islam.

And, the media is in a frenzy! They are trying to portray Romney as reckless, for speaking out on the killings of our ambassador and his colleagues. They know their guy is in trouble. The Emperor has no clothes. The chair is empty. He attends 43% of his intelligence briefings, but does not miss a campaign event.

I do not dislike Obama, though. I do dislike Hillary Clinton. She would have been much harder to stomach day-to-day, month-after-month. Much, much harder.

Now Muslims bring down the American flag in Yemen, and replace it with the black flag of Al Qaeda.

Don't worry, Barack, your pals in the media will do anything to divert attention from your foreign policy and economic failures.

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