One of my favorite movies is Sling Blade, written by Billy Bob Thornton, who also starred in the movie as the eccentric Carl Childers. Billy Bob has written a book, co-authored by another old favorite of mine, Kinky Friedman. It is entitled The Billy Bob Tapes, subtitled A Cave Full of Ghosts. Kinky proposed the book to Billy Bob: "Hey, let's do a book with some weird and funny stories about growing up, and you can also bitch about whatever's on your mind."
Billy Bob thought that might be a good idea, but he writes that "The other reason I did this book is because I wanted to put my two cents in about how I truly believe our culture is crumbling before our eyes and a lot of people seem to be pretty apathetic about it. I believe that we are in a society that is encouraging, funding, and rewarding laziness, cynicism, mediocrity, and cruelty. And for some reason we've become a society that believes that it is judge and jury. Puritanical when convenient for itself, and just the opposite when that is more convenient.
There is a lot of selfishness, hatred, and self-entitlement going around. And we're being hoodwinked by companies that sell stuff to us because they know our weakness, the need to be accepted and noticed. I believe we need a cultural revolution, and I don't mean simply "It sucks"; I mean, "It's an emergency!"
I think I will read the whole thing.
Just give us the story...I personally get the creeps out of Billy Bob.