From Jill Bolte Taylor's My Stroke of Insight: "I realize that for many of us, the distance between our thinking mind and our compassionate heart sometimes feels miles apart. Some of us traverse this distance on command. Others of us are so committed to our hopelessness, anger, and misery that the mere concept of a peaceful heart feels foreign and unsafe.
Based upon my experience with losing my left mind, I wholeheartedly believe that the feeling of deep inner peace is neurological circuitry located in our right brain. This circuitry is constantly ronning and always available for us to hook into. The feeling of peace is something that happens in the present moment. It's not something that we bring with us from the past or project into the future. Step one to experiencing inner peace is the willingness to be present in the right here, right now."
Thank you for the blessing today.
ReplyDeleteA friend recently posted something along these same lines. He was discussing how we spend so much time with cell phones and cameras trying to capture the present moment, that we aren't ever really THERE for it.
It's faith, isn't it? Choosing to trust God to handle the pain of the past, and the worries of the future, and being fully present where He has us.
Don't we call that reality?