I haven't seen any of the GOP convention speeches, but I have been reading transcripts and excerpts. I was not surprised, therefore, when I read Byron York's assessment of the impact of the Chris Christie speech versus the Ann Romney speech. Christie promised that things will get harder, Ann promised that America will be lifted. Christie bragged about what he has done in New Jersey, as though this was all about him. Ann Romney spoke about a good man who won't let us down. Who better than Ann Romney to know about that?
I am so tired of people who think life is just all about them! Do you know what I am referring to? The person who, the minute you speak to them, you realize the next few minutes are going to be all about them, and you try to figure out a way to get away from them, and find someone with whom you can have real reciprocal interaction: two people genuinely interested in each other as human beings. Not one person making the conversation all about himself, his woes, his plans for the future, his past accomplishments, blah, blah, blah.
York's column is here: http://washingtonexaminer.com/the-big-speeches-why-ann-romney-succeeded-and-chris-christie-didnt/article/2506308#.UD5CoaCKlJE
Update: I listened to Glenn Beck on the day after Christie's speech. He praised the speech. He thought Christie struck exactly the right notes. I do not believe Beck would have said that, if he did not believe it. He is not beholding to either political party. He is interested in learning and speaking the truth.
I thought both speeches were well done for different reasons and I'm sure different purposes. I love Beck but he does seem to like the obnoxious a bit more than I do.