Thursday, August 16, 2012

He didn't write this! Somebody else made this happen!

Columnist and radio talk show host Mike Rosen is at the top of his game in his column in the Denver Post this morning. He starts by pointing out that the liberal news media is all in for Barack Obama: "The so-called "news" segment of the liberal media is so all-in for Obama in this election cycle that they've abandoned any pretense of objectivity and balance. As they see it, when the stakes are this high, the end justifies the means."

"So their definition of a gaffe is almost anything Romney says that they disagree with. Obama gaffes, on the other hand, are ignored, rationalized, defended or quickly swept under the media rug.
The biggest and most revealing Obama gaffe to date was his gross overstatement that "if you've got a business, you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen." That demagogic choice of words slipped out because he was on a roll. He got carried away and went beyond the script, feeding on the frenzy of an adoring audience of populist class-warriors at a campaign pep rally in Roanoke."

"Political analysts and historians may look back on the 2012 campaign and judge "You didn't build it" to be the ultimate gaffe of the Obama one-term presidency. Let's hope so."

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