Saturday, August 25, 2012

Getting nowhere talking politics

Today I spoke with a very smart woman who has a good sense of humor. I like her. However, I was shocked to learn some of her political leanings. She tied Romney with Missouri Senate candidate Akin, because she watched an ad on t.v., in which Governor Romney said that if elected, he will abolish taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood. Then, she showed her ignorance of modern Mormon practices, when she lamented that Mormon men can have five wives, but Mormon women can only have one husband.

I told her that Romney has had only one wife, and that polygamy has long been abandoned by Mormons. I talked to her about Mormons being good family people with good habits. She said, "I know; they all have twelve kids!" I knew she was having some fun with me at at that point in the discussion.

I told her that if she likes Planned Parenthood, she can choose to donate money to them, but that those of us who are not fond of the idea of killing babies should not be forced to fund the Planned Parenthood abortion mills through the money we give to the government when we pay our taxes.

We got interrupted by work demands at that point, but I plan to talk to her again between now and the election.


  1. The media has gained so much power to shape people's thinking. :( Family Research Council is a "hate group". Islam is "the religion of peace."

    Let me tell you, I'd rather be a woman wandering alone through the FRC headquarters than through the center of Iraq!

    Yet it's conservatives who have a "war on woman."

  2. You know you have to work to be that dumb.
