Friday, August 03, 2012

Courageous Christians

A terrible humanitarian crisis is on-going in southern Sudan. Christians, if they refuse to renounce Christ, are being killed or having their limbs broken off by Muslin terrorists. Laura Ingraham interviewed a Catholic bishop this morning who is nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to stop the slaughter. You can hear the interview here:;jsessionid=9817F658283479930CA51DD7312A2E5A?dispid=302&headerDest=L3BnL2pzcC9tZWRpYS9mbGFzaHdlbGNvbWUuanNwP3BpZD0xMzMwOQ==

What risks do you and I take as Christians? How do people know we are Christians? Or, do they?

1 comment:

  1. Kinda makes all this silliness over Mormons being Christian sorta petty and stupid.
