Saturday, August 11, 2012

Blatant fraud

John Hinderaker writes at Power Line how the Obama administration is paying illegal immigrants claiming the child tax credit. From the Inspector General's report:
* In one instance, four illegal aliens fraudulently claimed that 20 children lived with them in the same trailer and received from the IRS $29,608 in ACTC refunds. The children claimed did not even live in the U.S.
* The Inspector General recommended that, “Legislation should be considered to require a Social Security Number in order to be eligible for the ACTC, consistent with the requirements for the Earned Income Tax Credit… As it now stands, the payment of Federal funds through this tax benefit appears to provide an additional incentive for aliens to enter, reside, and work in the U.S. without authorization, which contradicts Federal law and policy to remove such incentives.”

Republican Senators proposed such legislation, but Harry Reid refused to allow it to come to the Senate floor for a vote. So at the same time that the United States is going broke, with $16 trillion in debt, we are bribing people from all over the world, illegally as well as legally, to enjoy federal benefits at taxpayer expense. And Barack Obama and Harry Reid refuse to permit anything to be done, even to the extent of limiting blatant fraud

1 comment:

  1. Depressing isn't it? I mean on the one hand can we continue to do this? Of course not! On the other, who wouldn't want to live here?
