Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Are your prison bars inside or outside of your own mind?

Are you in prison? Who put you there? Are the bars inside or outside of your own mind? Are you becoming an angry liberal in search of the Lost Entitlement? Bob at One Cosmos writes today about these and other related topics, and warns, "Don't think for one moment that people don't take perverse and sadistic pleasure in their victim status, for it is oddly empowering to participate in the subjugation of oneself. In psychoanalysis it's called "identification with the aggressor." The latter is the stock-in-tirade of fatemongers such as Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, and the left in general."

Are you "pushed around" by the past, or "lured" by the future? "Now, when a patient comes in for treatment, it is again often because they are a victim of Fate, or the Curse of the Mind Parasites: "The person who is ill and comes to analysis either because of neurotic symptoms, or characterological fissures, or psychotic ideas and pains, can be described as a fated person. That is, he is suffering from something which he can specify and which has a certain power in his life to seriously interfere with his capacity to work, find pleasure, or form intimate relationships."
To read more about all of that, the love of wisdom, and the expression of one's own personal idiom, please go here:

1 comment:

  1. What I wonder is how do you undo the victimhood? It's very hard for me not to freak out when I hear 50 and older are not going to have a snowball's chance of getting a job. I try not to think in terms of age discrimination but it's tough. Now just imagine if I had been taught that all my life.
