Monday, July 23, 2012

Willful Blindness

Andrew McCarthy, author of Willful Blindness, writes today at PJ Media about "the Obama Left, the Republican establishment and their complicit media." Yes, you read that right; he lumps together the Obama left, the Republican establishment and their complicit media under one banner. What is he talking about? He is talking about the way those groups misunderstand the religion of Islamic supremacy, as adhered to by the Muslim Brotherhood. National security conservatives such as McCarthy "take the Muslim Brotherhood at its word that it is seeking to destroy the West and destroy Israel, and that it is doing so based on a divine injunction that is easily traceable to Islamic scripture." Coming in for criticism by McCarthy are Condi Rice and John McCain for their failure to understand Islamic Supremacy.

McCarthy was the lead prosecutor of the "Blind Sheik": "Sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman and his cohorts in 1995. The overarching charge was that all 12 defendants, plus dozens of unindicted coconspirators, conspired to wage a war of urban terrorism against the United States. Beyond the Trade Center attack, this campaign included a more ambitious plot to bomb New York City landmarks (e.g., Lincoln and Holland Tunnels, UN complex, FBI’s lower Manhattan headquarters, some U.S. military installations, etc.), as well as sundry schemes to kidnap or assassinate current and former government officials, murder the president of Egypt, and the like."

McCarthy actually dares to assert, "if GOP leaders can no longer tell the difference between hostile anti-American operatives and benign political actors, then the Republican Party has become an obstacle to liberty and security, not a vehicle for their preservation. As is the case with crushing government debt and out-of-control government spending, it appears that the GOP is choosing to be part of the problem, rather than the solution, when it comes to the threat of Islamic supremacism. Certainly, that is a choice party leaders are entitled to make. But if it is the one they have made, why should conservatives concerned about liberty and security bother with the Republican Party?

I am indebted to Rush Limbaugh for mentioning this piece on his program today. It may be one of the most important essays anyone has written in quite a while.
Read the whole thing here:

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