Friday, July 27, 2012

Reaping what they have sowed

Pat Buchanan has a new column in which he alleges that the Republican Party has made three historic blunders that may insure its death:

"First, the party, intimidated by name-calling, refused to stop a tidal wave of immigration that brought 40 million people here whose families depend heavily on government. We needed a time-out to assimilate them and see them move out of the tax-consuming sector of the nation.

Republicans acquiesced in the importation of a new electorate that may provide the decisive votes to send the party to the ash heap of history.

Second, Republicans, when enacting tax cuts, repeatedly dropped millions of taxpayers off the rolls, creating a huge class that contributes little to pay for the expanding cornucopia of benefits it receives.

Third, the social revolution of the 1960s captured the culture and converted much of the nation. According to a new Pew poll, the number of Americans who profess a belief in no religion at all has tripled since the 1990s and is now one in five of our countrymen.

If your racial and ethnic voter base is aging, shrinking and dying, your moral code is being rejected, and the tax-consuming class has been allowed to grow to equal or to dwarf the taxpaying class, the Grand Old Party has a problem. But then so, too, does the country."

Read more here:
Via Rush Limbaugh

I understand points one and two, but I do not see how point three is a blunder of the GOP. Rush Limbaugh says he is going to discuss Buchanan's piece in his radio program today, so maybe I will understand point three better, and how it is the fault of the GOP.

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