Saturday, July 28, 2012

Owning our power

Now for the important part. If you haven't read the previous post immediately below this one, go ahead; I'll wait. Okay, glad you're back. Dr. Taylor goes on to write about our power. Do you believe you have power? You have the power to choose how you respond to stimulation coming in through your sensory system at any time. Emotions? They only stay in your blood stream for 90 seconds, unless you choose to hang on to them longer and let that circuit continue to run. As Taylor writes, "Moment by moment, I make the choice to either hook into my neurocircuitry or move back into the present moment, allowing that moment to melt away as fleeting physiology."

By acknowledging the characters of both her left and right hemispheres, she realizes that she always has alternative ways of responding. If we own our power to make choices consciously, instead of just being on automatic pilot, we take responsibility for what we attract into our lives. She does that by consciously re-aligning herself with the present, and not allowing her left brain "story teller" to dominate.

How about other interactions with other people? She recognizes that she does not need to either victimize herself or "take your actions and mistakes personally. Your stuff is your stuff, and my stuff is my stuff. Feeling deep inner peace and sharing kindness is always a choice for either of us. Forgiving others and forgiving myself is always a choice. Seeing this moment as a perfect moment is always a choice."


  1. I think 'we' see power differently. Of course I know I have power over myself but how does that in reality help me in other ways...for example losing your job. That was a quirk of fate so to speak I had no power. so you power only takes you so far

  2. Terri,
    Dr. Taylor is talking about the power we each have to choose how we respond to events. Bad things happen to all of us, and often the bad is out of our power to prevent. But the power to choose a response to what has happened is always ours. That's how God made us. We can go to the left or to the right. I am going to write more about this.
