From the Washington Post: "The Obama administration has failed to meet a deadline imposed by Congress to scan all shipping containers for radioactive material before they reach the
United States, a requirement aimed at strengthening maritime security
and preventing terrorists from smuggling a nuclear device into any of
the nation’s 300 sea and river ports.
“I personally do not believe they intend to comply with the law,” Rep. Edward J. Markey (D-Mass.),
co-author of the 2007 law, said in an interview. “This is a real
terrorist threat, and it has a solution. We can’t afford to wait until a
catastrophic attack.”
The Government Accountability Office has warned that a nuclear device could be detonated while at a port
— containers often sit for days awaiting radiation checks — causing
billions of dollars in damage in addition to the loss of life. Estimates
of damage caused by a nuclear detonation at a major port range from
tens of billions of dollars to $1 trillion.
Shipping containers
are potentially ideal for smuggling weapons, people and other illicit
cargo; ensuring the integrity of the contents is difficult and costly.
The standard container is 40 feet long and 8 feet high and holds more
than 30 tons of cargo. A large vessel carries 3,000 or more containers
from hundreds of different shippers and many ports. And a single
container can hold cargo from many customers.
experts have worried about port vulnerability since the Sept. 11, 2001,
attacks. Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the self-described mastermind of the
attacks, reportedly told interrogators he had considered sending
explosives to the United States hidden inside a shipment of personal
computers from Japan.
The DHS says monitors scan 99 percent of the containers for radiation
after they arrive at U.S. ports. But experts say the monitors at U.S.
ports are not sophisticated enough to detect nuclear devices or highly
enriched uranium, which emit low levels of radiation."
Read the whole thing here:
via Instapundit
The Obama admin has never seemed to take US security seriously other than forcing young toddlers and wheelchairs users to take off shoes.