Monday, July 30, 2012

Has the right abandoned the resistance-to-jihad movement?

Is a blogger's best path to money and traffic to abandon the fight against jihad and Islamist supremacy? That is what Robert Spencer alleges today at his blog Jihad Watch. He mentions Michelle Malkin, Weasel Zippers, Hot Air, Fox News, Drudge, Rush, Kathryn Lopez of National Review, Mark Levin, and Michael Savage. He says the propaganda line is that Islam is a Religion of Peace that has been hijacked by a tiny minority of extremists."It's ironic that a central part of the Leftist/Islamic supremacist myth about freedom fighters is that there is some lucrative "Islamophobia industry" and that people are in this for money and fame, when actually the path to money and fame today is to dissemble and downplay the reality of jihad and Islamic supremacism, and their root causes within Islam itself."

Also today Pamela Geller writes at Atlas Shrugs about The Right's Dirty Little Secret.

A commenter named Arthur at Jihad Watch said this:
"It all has to do with sponsors, investors, money and power. People on the right need sponsors and investors, and businesses are deathly afraid of being ostracized by powerful Muslim groups and individuals.
This is why I think that Mr. Spencer made a giant mistake by seeming to characterize the efforts to oppose Islamic expansion as a Left vs. Right battle. (The explanation is that he initially got a lot more invitations from Rightist media.)
It has nothing to do with Left vs. Right. It has to do with intelligent, courageous, & honest vs. stupid, uninformed, spineless, morally bankrupt, and dishonest."

1 comment:

  1. I wanted to make sure you get this. Please view and share. TY.

    AMERICA IN CRISIS: Intelligence Briefing On The Muslim Brotherhood In America by John Guandolo


    2nd :

    On July 24th John Guandolo gave this intelligence briefing on the MB in Georgia. This mini-brief is four hours of a usual 3 day briefing that Guandolo used to give to law enforcement and intelligence officials. Here are Guandolos credentials.

    About the Presenter -- “Counterterrorism expert and former federal agent John Guandolo graduated from the US Naval Academy in 1989, accepting a commission as an Officer in the United States Marines. He served as a combat Infantry Platoon Commander with the 2nd Battalion, 2nd Marine Regiment during Operations Desert Storm and Desert Shield and as a Platoon Commander, Assistant Operations Officer, and Airborne and Diving Officer in the 2nd Force Reconnaissance Company between 1991 and 1996. John resigned his commission in the Marines in 1996 and joined the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in the Washington, DC Field Office. He investigated numerous cases while at the FBI, and in addition to serving as Swat Team Leader for the Washington Field Office, was one of the Bureau's Advanced Capability Medics. While working in the FBI's Counterterrorism Division, John acquired substantial knowledge and expertise in the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic Law (a.k.a. shari'ah) and teaching, and the Global Islamic Movement (GIM). His accumulated knowledge on these and related subjects earned him the FBI's "Subject Matter Expert" (SME)" designation, a role that afforded him the opportunity to design and implement the FBI's first counter-terrorism training”.

    Guandolo has been giving this same presentation, since 2003, to the U.S. intelligence community, before it was ‘outlawed” by our government. He obviously knows this material inside and out. The evidence for MB infiltration into our government is epically overwhelming. Not only that, the evidences of Al Quada and Hamas infiltration are also as overwhelming.

    Take for instance Aldurahman Alamoudi and Anwar Alawki. Aldurahman Alamoudi was the top advisor to Bill Clinton on Islam. Alamoudi also started over 20 MB front groups in America, our Military Muslim Chaplin Program and was instrumental in choosing textbooks on Islam in American public schools. It turns out that not only is he MB, he is also Hammas and is in prison now for plotting with Hammas to kill a Saudi Arabian Prince and providing financing to Hammas. Anwar Alawki was the top advisor to George W. Bush on 911 and was the go to guy about policy towards Islam after 911. After many months of advising the administration and even holding prayer events at the U.S. Capitol Building, it was determined that Anwar Alawki was Hammas. Years later Obama would order a drone missile strike to take Anwar Alawki out. And it is almost as bad now as it was then. COULD WE AT LEAST KEEP HAMMAS OUT OF OUR GOVERNMENT?
