Sunday, July 15, 2012

Frying uniforms on Harry Reid's bonfire

Senator Harry Reid, presiding over a U.S. Senate whose work is disapproved of by 86 percent of the U.S. citizens, is outraged that the privately funded U.S. Olympic Committee, seeking to live within their budget, has outfitted our athletes with uniforms made in China. Daniel Ikenson, writing at CATO, has this to say,
"If you are still not convinced that our policymakers’ objections are inane, consider this: As our U.S. athletes march around the track at London’s Olympic stadium wearing their Chinese-made uniforms and waving their Chinese-made American flags, the Chinese athletes will have arrived in London by U.S.-made aircraft, been trained on U.S.-designed and -engineered equipment, wearing U.S.-designed and -engineered footwear, having perfected their skills using U.S.-created technology.

Our economic relationship with China, characterized by transnational supply chains and disaggregated production sharing, is more collaborative than competitive. The real competition will be happening in the gyms, pools, and on the fields. Let the games begin."
Read the whole thing here:

1 comment:

  1. It's not that big an issue to me. I just hate the look of the uniform...reminds of me of the French foreign legion. Couldn't they have come up with a better design?
